
Clam Falls, WI

Super fun fishing in this little town. Of Course I caught a clam! We ate a lot of fish! It sure is nice to keep a fish once in while! THANKS MOM

Classic Stone Arch.

Weathering a cool storm.

Storms are cool. Especially when you are under a bridge fishing.

The Hogwash.

Welcome to the Hogwash. This is where hogs are. It is right by the fart factory (pictured above). The Fart Factory is powered by the warm winds of the big fat dyke. In case you were wondering. That big one I got is a 12 lber. My biggest channel. Brandon with a nice like 8 or 10 lber can't remember. Its all about me on this day.

Tom Cruise

This is my boy Tom Cruise with a catfish thats got "a whole lot of meat on it."

Carp'n ain't easy!

Gotta say carp fishing is hands down the most fun fish to catch of all! They fight like crazy they are always biting. I always catch them on oatmeal so basically you don't need a bait shop at all. I have lost 3 poles already to these oatmeal bandits but let me tell you it is worth every penny. I have jumped into the river head first after poles! Note the photo that I look soaking wet! Carp'n ain't easy! It is a touch thing a sense thing. You gotta be on your toes at all times don't turn around to take a piss cuz thats when they take your pole! Note the release photos, this is the proper way to release a carp. Get em up there ya know what I'm sayin? I LOVE carp. You should too!!