its late march, lakes are still frozen is the season even open who knows? what season. The weather may hit 60 nowadays I gotta fish i have not fished for an eternity. I am lucky enough to be a hop skip and a jump from the murky mississippi where the mud cats and the crap carp are still down there the river isn't frozen. it is a mighty beast who is constantly messing with my mind. there are holes and currents and I don't get it but I love it. It is hard to figure out, in a lot of ways better than lakes better than boats and in a lot of ways worse. It is simple and complex at the same time. I wonder how many people get it or think they get it. What is there to get? I am about as good at fishing that big bitch as I am at writing this blog. Why do I even go down there, to enjoy the day I guess but actually I want to figure it out to conquer the river in a way. If you have ever gotten close you would realize it is impossible to even win a small battle so it must not be a battle It is a relationship. It is a one way relationship. I might have caught a fish and maybe not. I may fish the river but its completely up to the river what happens next.